Saturday, 29 July 2017

Best Bark Collar for Small Dogs

Dogs are great pets they are loyal, playful they are always happy to see you when you get in from work. Sometimes though they can be a bit of a nuisance to you or your neighbours. Some dogs may get over excited at the smallest of noises and go on a bark craze.

Barking is a normal everyday thing that dogs do, it's how they communicate. But a dog barking to much can just be annoying. Maybe best bark collar for small dogs is the answer.

There are two types of Bark Collar. The static collar will send a small vibration through the dog, when he/she barks. There is no chance of it being set off by other dogs as it's connected to the dogs back. The device is set off by the connected dogs voicebox.

The other type of Bark Collar is the collar that sprays citronella eventide the dog barks. If you didn't know dogs hate cintrenella. The dog soon learns that if he/she barks it's gonna get sprayed with the horrid smell.

There are many reasons why dogs bark, anxiety, excitement, boredom are some possibilities. Training your dog isn't to difficult when you the owner is around. But what happens when your not around?! This is why bark collars for small dogs is a good idea.

If you are getting frustrated with the complaints from your neighbours, then maybe it's time to invest in a bark collar. We bought a house early this year and I know that getting on with your neighbours is essential. A barking dog can hinder your relationships with your neighbours.

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